International Journal of Radiology & Medical Imaging Volume 2 (2016), Article ID 2:IJRMI-110, 10 pages
Review Article
Myocardial Viability Assessment is Still Alive and an Important Element in Predicting Prognosis and Providing Optimal Management for Ischemic Heart Failure

Tokuo Kasai

Department of Cardiology, Tokyo Medical University Hachioji Medical Center, 1163 Tatemachi, Hachioji Tokyo 193-0998, Japan
Dr. Tokuo Kasai, Department of Cardiology, Tokyo Medical University Hachioji Medical Center, 1163 Tatemachi, Hachioji Tokyo 193- 0998, Japan, Tel: +81-42-665-5611; E-mail:
06 January 2016; 05 March 2016; 08 March 2016
Kasai T (2016) Myocardial Viability Assessment is Still Alive and an Important Element in Predicting Prognosis and Providing Optimal Management for Ischemic Heart Failure. Int J Radiol Med Imag 2: 110. doi:


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