International Journal of Pediatrics & Neonatal Care Volume 7 (2021), Article ID 7:IJPNC-178, 7 pages
Review Article
A Retrospective Study of Prodromal Variables Associated with Autism among a Global Group of Infants during their First Fifteen Months of Life

Alonim HA1,2,*, Lieberman I2, Scheingesicht G1 and Tayar D1,3

1The Mifne Center, Israel
2Bar Ilan University, Israel
3Israeli Health Ministry, Israel
Dr. Hanna Alonim, The Mifne Center, Israel, P.O. Box 112, Rosh Pinna, 120000, Tel: ++972-4-693 1021, Fax: ++972-4-693 1185; E-mail:
04 May 2021; 21 June 2021; 23 June 2021
Alonim HA, Lieberman I, Scheingesicht G, Tayar D (2021) A Retrospective Study of Prodromal Variables Associated with Autism among a Global Group of Infants during their First Fifteen Months of Life. Int J Pediatr Neonat Care 7: 178.doi:


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