International Journal of Nursing & Clinical Practices Volume 4 (2017), Article ID 4:IJNCP-229, 6 pages
Concept Analysis
Maternal-Newborn Bonding Concept Analysis

Jayne Barker1, Adrienne Daniels1, Kymberly O’Neal1 and Sharon L. Van Sell2*

1Graduate Nursing Program, Texas Woman’s University, USA
2Professor, The Houston J. and Florence A. Doswell College of Nursing, Texas Woman’s University, USA
Prof. Sharon L. Van Sell, The Houston J. and Florence A. Doswell College of Nursing, 5500 Southwestern Medical Avenue, #7209, Dallas, Texas, USA, 75235-7299, Tel: 1-864-275-3527, FAX: 214-689-6539; E-mail:
27 January 2017; 04 April 2017; 06 April 2017
Barker J, Daniels A, O’Neal K, Van Sell SL (2017) Maternal-Newborn Bonding Concept Analysis. Int J Nurs Clin Pract 4: 229. doi:
This article was published with support from Texas Woman's University Libraries’ Open Access Fund.


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