International Journal of Clinical Research & Trials Volume 2 (2017), Article ID 2:IJCRT, 2 pages
Letters to the Editor
Shifting Profile of MDR-TB Patients in Northern Portugal?

Olena Oliveira1*, A. Rita Gaio2,3, Anabela Silva4,5, Rita Macedo4 and Raquel Duarte1,4,6,7

1EPIUnit, Institute of Public Health, University of Porto, Portugal
2Mathematics Department, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
3Centre of Mathematics of the University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
4Reference Centre for Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in the North Region of Portugal, Chest Disease Centre of Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal
5National Health Institute Doutor Ricardo Jorge, Portugal
6Pulmonology Department, Centro Hospitalar de Vila Nova de Gaia/Espinho, EPE, Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal
7Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Predictive Medicine and Public Health, Universityof Porto, Porto, Portugal
Dr. Olena Oliveira, EPIUnit, Institute of Public Health, University of Porto, Portugal; E-mail:
05 April 2017; 28 June 2017; 30 June 2017
Oliveira O, Gaio AR, Silva A, Macedo R, Duarte R (2017) Shifting Profile of MDR-TB Patients in Northern Portugal?. Int J Clin Res Trials 2: 114. doi:


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