International Journal of Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics Volume 7 (2021), Article ID 7: IJCND-158, 5 pages
Concept Analysis
Special Issue: Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals: Their Role in Disease Prevention
Epistemology of a New Era of Healthy Foods and the Construction of Social Myths

José Luis Martínez

Diplomatic Mexican to UNESCO, 1 rue Miollis, 75015, Paris, France
Dr. José Luis Martínez, Diplomatic Mexican to UNESCO, 1 rue Miollis, 75015, Paris, France; E-mail:
01 May 2021; 29 September 2021; 30 September 2021
Martínez JL (2021) Epistemology of a New Era of Healthy Foods and the Construction of Social Myths. Int J Clin Nutr Diet 7: 158. doi:


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