International Journal of Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics Volume 7 (2021), Article ID 7: IJCND-157, 9 pages
Original Reports
Embracing the Next-Generation Technology in Food Industry

Ana Sofia Moreira, Inês Eulálio, Inês Gomes and Daniela Silva*

ALS Controlvet - Segurança Alimentar, S.A Tondela, Portugal
Dr. Daniela Silva, ALS Controlvet - Segurança Alimentar, S.A Tondela, Portugal; E-mail:
19 April 2021; 09 June 2021; 11 June 2021
Moreira AS, Eulálio I, Gomes I, Silva D (2021) Embracing the Next- Generation Technology in Food Industry. Int J Clin Nutr Diet 7: 157. doi:


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