International Journal of Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics Volume 7 (2021), Article ID 7: IJCND-156, 7 pages
Research Article
The Practical Guidelines for Physical Activity in Preventing Abnormal Body Weight in Asian Adolescents

Chia-Yu Yeh1, Ching-Hsing Chang2 and Chen-Kang Chang3,*

1Department of Economics, National Chi Nan University, 1 University Rd, Puli, Nantou County, 545 Taiwan
2Department of BioBusiness Management, National Chiayi University, 580 Sinmin Rd, Chiayi City, 600 Taiwan
3Department of Sport Performance, National Taiwan University of Sport. 16 Shuan-Shih Rd, Sec 2, Taichung, 404 Taiwan
Prof. Chen-Kang Chang, Department of Sport Performance, National Taiwan University of Sport. 16 Shuan-Shih Rd, Sec 2, Taichung, 404 Taiwan, Tel: +886-4-22213108 Ext 2235; Fax: +886-4-22232463; E-mail:
22 January 2021; 18 March 2021; 20 March 2021
Yeh CY, Chang CH, Chang CK (2021) The Practical Guidelines for Physical Activity in Preventing Abnormal Body Weight in Asian Adolescents. Int J Clin Nutr Diet 7: 156. doi:


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