Table 4: Bivariate and Multivariate analysis result for factors associated with practice on essential new born care among midwifes and nurses working in Public health facilities of Wolayta zone, Southern Ethiopia, March-April, 2019.
Independent Variables Category ENC practice COR (95%CI) AOR (95%CI) P-value
Good poor
Type of Profession Midwife 86 77 4.80[2.26, 10.20] 1.33[0.51, 3.45] 0.561
Nurse 10 43 1 1 1
Educational qualification Bachelor 39 25 2.60[1.43, 4.74] 1.90[0.89, 4.06] 0.095
Diploma 57 95 1 1 1
Got training Yes 79 68 3.55[1.88, 6.72] 2.77[1.25, 6.13] 0.012**
No 17 52 1 1 1
Interest to work in delivery unit Yes 85 88 2.81[1.33, 5.93] 0.92[0.32, 2.62] 0.876
No 11 32 1 1 1
Type of facility Health center 61 107 0.21[0.10, 0.43] 0.23[0.10, 0.55] 0.001**
Hospital 35 13 1 1 1
Presence of BEmONC guideline Yes 73 60 3.17[1.76, 5.72] 1.50[0.71, 3.20] 0.291
No 23 60 1 1 1
Availability of equipment Yes 80 68 3.82[2, 7] 3.44[1.64, 7.21] 0.001**
No 16 52 1 1 1
Availability of vaccine and drug Yes 70 58 2.88[1.62, 5.12] 1.68[0.80, 3.54] 0.169
No 26 62 1 1 1
Monthly income(ETB) >5000 14 10 3.12[1.10, 8.86] 0.17[0.17, 5.56] 0.980
4000-4999 29 18 3.59[1.49, 8.66] 1.06[0.28, 3.93] 0.935
3000-3999 40 63 1.42[0.66, 3.04] 0.82[0.27, 2.45] 0.716
2000-2999 13 29 1 1 1
Experience in delivery unit >6 years 34 21 2.59[1.38, 4.85] 2.58[1.20, 5.57] 0.015**
0-5 years 62 99 1 1 1
Knowledge on ENC Good 77 48 6.08[3.27, 11.31] 3.53[1.75, 7.09] 0.001**
Poor 19 72 1 1 1