Table 1: Characteristics of the participants.
Mean SD
Age (years) 19.7 1.4
Height (cm) 159.3 5.5
Bodyweigth (kg) 51.6 8.2
BMI 20.3 2.6
Weight of objects (g) 5310.6 1995.5
One-way commuting time to college (minutes) 37.7 32.9
Average hours of part-time work on weekdays(hours) 5.3 24.0
Average hours worked part-time on holidays(hours) 4.4 3.3
n %
Gender Female 116 94.3
Male 7 5.7
Commuting Bus/train 62 50.4
Private car/motorbike 21 17.1
Walking 40 32.5
Part-time job Yes 91 74.0
No 32 26.0
Dailyfootwear Sneakers 104 84.6
Ballet shoes/flat shoes 11 8.9
Sandals (without heel strap) 5 4.1
Sandals with heels 3 2.4
Carried objects Backpack 89 63.1
Tote-bag 49 34.8
Hand-held bag 3 2.1
Difference which one when carried tote-bag Right shoulder 28 57.1
Left shoulder 21 42.9