Figure 4: Comparison of Physical activity day shift, night shift, day off among pregnancy and non-pregnancy.
Note. Day shift of SB:t=.311,df=24,p=.758, Day shift of LPA:t=2.117,df=24,p=.045,Day shift of MPA:t=.441,df=24,p=.663, Day shift of VPA:t='-4.956,df=17,p<.001
Night shift of SB:t='-0971,df=24,p=.923, Night shift of LPA:t=1.285,df=24,p=.211,Night shift of MPA:t=.166,df=24,p=.869, Night shift of VPA:t='-3.415,df=17,p=.003
Day off of SB:t=1.609,df=23,p=.121, Holiday of LPA:t='-1.057,df=23,p=.302,Holiday shift of MPA:t='-1.426,df=23,p=.167, Holiday of VPA:t='-2.035,df=14,p<.061

figure 4