Table 5: Discriminant indices of Savonix test scores, to detect AD or MCI from Normal. Summary of logistic regression for logistic regressions with the predictor tests adjusted education years and ages.
Max/Mix were determined by the AUC values of logistic regression models of1000 of 50 Normal subjects and 49 MCI-or-AD subjects. AUC: Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve. CI: Confidence Interval. PPV: Positive Predictive Values. NPV: Negative Predictive Values. B: regression coefficients. SD: Standard Deviations for the regression coefficients. Wald Chisq: Wald Chi square statistics. P value: P values for Wald Chi square statistics.
Savonix Test composite AUC (95% CI) Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV B SD Wald Chisq p
11 Subtests total score
Max 0.949 0.878 0.98 0.977 0.891 Test score -2.561 0.653 15.375 p < 0.0001
(0.907-0.992) Education 0.029 0.134 0.047 p = 0.828 n.s.
Age 0.082 0.047 3.02 p = 0.082 n.s.
Min 0.825 0.653 0.96 0.941 0.738 Test score -0.554 0.207 7.167 p<0.01
(0.742-0.908) Education 0.111 0.086 1.656 p = 0.198 n.s.
Age 0.134 0.041 10.726 p < 0.01