Table 5: Results of multinomial logistic regression in all participants.
aPA2: physical activity 840-1559.99 METs-min/wk; bPA3: physical activity > 1560 METs-min/wk. cSE: standard error.
*p < .1; **p < .05; ***p < .01.
Variables Underweight Overweight Obesity
Coefficient SEc Coefficient SEc Coefficient SEc
PA2a -0.410 0.260 -0.098 0.306 -0.818** 0.376
PA3b -0.280 0.218 -0.392 0.277 -0.530* 0.283
Age 0.172* 0.097 0.059 0.121 0.043 0.129
Paternal BMI -0.106*** 0.027 0.064** 0.032 0.095*** 0.034
Maternal BMI -0.102*** 0.029 0.018 0.020 0.019 0.019
Tutor class 0.066 0.191 0.075 0.240 -0.150 0.253
Father working -0.256 0.335 -0.348 0.388 -0.305 0.422
Mother working 0.147 0.203 -0.230 0.243 0.492* 0.296
Siblings 0.220 0.344 -0.340 0.372 -0.377 0.378
Living with parents 0.484 0.351 -0.033 0.408 -0.114 0.412
Income 0.209 0.212 -0.226 0.289 -0.557* 0.333
Allowance -0.111 0.197 0.255 0.257 -0.258 0.255
Active lifestyle 0.394* 0.207 0.159 0.261 -0.309 0.304
Accompaniment -0.121 0.200 0.003 0.255 0.507** 0.258
Fun 0.469** 0.204 -0.447* 0.243 -0.191 0.263
Spend time -0.173 0.189 0.064 0.237 -0.107 0.254
Gender 0.215 0.191 0.956*** 0.244 1.020*** 0.265
Intercept 0.673 1.590 -3.845** 1.918 -4.459** 2.053
N 826
Pseudo R2 0.071
Log likelihood -880.91