Table 1: Definition of variables.
Weight category Underweight = 1; normal weight = 2; overweight = 3; obese = 4
PA1 = 1 if physical activity < 839.99 METs-min/wk; otherwise = 0, reference group
PA2 = 1 if physical activity 840-1559.99 METs-min/wk; otherwise = 0
PA3 = 1 if physical activity > 1560 METs-min/wk; otherwise = 0
Age Continuous variable
Paternal BMI Continuous variable
Maternal BMI Continuous variable
Tutor class Went to tutoring class after school = 1; otherwise = 0
Father working Father working fulltime in the past year = 1; otherwise = 0
Mother working Mother working fulltime in the past year = 1; otherwise = 0
Sibling With any number of siblings = 1; otherwise = 0
Living with parents Living with both parents = 1; otherwise = 0
Income Monthly household income > 70,000 NT = 1; otherwise = 0
Allowance With sufficient monthly allowance = 1; otherwise = 0
Active lifestyle Participating in physical activity as a lifestyle = 1; otherwise = 0
Accompaniment Participating in physical activity to be with family or friend = 1; otherwise = 0
Fun Participating in physical activity because it is fun = 1; otherwise = 0
Spend time Participating in physical activity to spend the free time = 1; otherwise = 0