Figure 1: Flow chart of subject enrollment and the intervention.
Fourteen participants attended a preliminary screening session usingAdult ADHD Self-Report Scale (more than 17), Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices Plus (excepted for D level), Beck Depression Inventory score was (less than 13) and Beck Anxiety Inventor score (less than 7). Twelve participants were recruited and were randomly divided into a placebo group and a pine bark extract (PE) group.After placebo or PE supplementation for 4 weeks, there was a two-week washout period, then all participants were crossed over to the different supplementationfor another 4 weeks. Only one participant was excluded during the first supplementation period due to the emotional problem. Placebo group, 4-week supplementation with maltodextrin and magnesium stearate; PE, 4-week supplementation of polyphenolic compounds from pine bark extract.

figure 1