Table 3: Diet Quality Index, CVD risk score and lipid profileby area.
Statistical analysis: T test; level of significance. P<0.05; n.s. = not significant.
MDSS: Mediterranean Dietary Serving Score.
CVD: cardiovascular disease; HDL: High-Density Lipoprotein; LDL: low density lipoproteins.
Area 1 Area 2 p
MDSS score 15.2±3.3 12.2±4.6 0.002
CVD risk score (%) 3.3±4.5 7.3±10.5 0.009
Cholesterol (mg/dl) 176.9±37.1 185.5±32.8 n.s
Cholesterol non-HDL(mg/dl) 121.6±35.3 134.2±32.6 0.05
HDL (mg/dl) 55.3±13.6 51.3±10.6 n.s
LDL (mg/dl) 97.1±31.9 118.6±34.9 0.001
LDL/HDL 1.82±0.64 2.41±0.86 0.0001